Front cover image of book THE BEATLES AND ME ON TOUR
Front cover image of book MANSON EXPOSED by Ivor Davis

When I began my search for a self publisher, I was warned, “It’s a real Wild West Out There.”

Well, in Pedernales I found a sheriff who corralled all the bad guys–and kept me on the straight and narrow. It can be a tricky course. Don’t kid yourself. Pedernales principals Barbara and Jose, got me off to a flying start.
Not surprisingly all did not go smoothly because self publishing is not an easy ride. Pedernales helped me overcome those ups and downs and steadied me around the rough curves.

Ever consistent was Jose’s patience, tolerance and unending efforts to keep me focused. His expertise was invaluable especially as I twisted and turned and sought perfection-particularly when it came to the all important cover. But what impressed me was that whenever I changed directions–particularly after a very rocky start with an editor– they stayed the course with me. And they were constantly aware of the mountings costs—alerting me to the vagaries and expenses involved in the world of self-publishing 

I was impressed with their overall knowledge about the publishing game and their wisdom and ability to stay steady when the inevitable road blocks came–and went. They were maestros at educating me offering a swift course of “self publishing 101.” The end result: Thanks to their persistence, guidance and encouragement, my book “The Beatles and Me on Tour” turned out even better than I ever imagined.

Ivor Davis, 2015 IPPY Gold Medal prize-winning author of THE BEATLES AND ME ON TOUR and FIVE TO DIE: The Book that Helped Convict Mason.